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2020 projects

The New Northstowe Educational Campus in Cambridge, England, 2020

Livingston Eyre Associates

Ref 0994.01 Custom Cast Stone Benches

The state-of-the-art teaching facilities will be a part of the new sustainable Cambridgeshire town Northstowe and address the lack of school places in the county.
Once complete, the 133,203sq ft Northstowe Education Campus will be Cambridgeshire’s largest education campus and will comprise of a nursery, a 3FE primary school, a Secondary school, Special Educational Needs (SEN) school and sixth form college.

Blueton were asked to manufacture new colourful seating, using Autumn hues, to create seating areas around the campus for the students. Some of the benches were with angled ends to finish the layout. 

For more information please call our technical department.

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