Latest projects

New look for Helensburgh, Town Centre & Seafront, Scotland, 2014.
Austin Smith Lord
Ref 0721.01mst seat
Ref 0721.02mst seat
Ref 259ss bollard
A £7m makeover of Helensburgh town centre, revamping the seaside destination with a new esplanade, public square and outdoor museum.The public realm work is centred on a new look Colquhoun Square which has been reimagined as a civic space capable of hosting community events and incorporating an ‘outdoor museum’ exhibiting artwork and artefacts from local history.These are contained within a series of bollards designed to regulate traffic flows but which contain items of interest embedded within in order to meet residents desire for more museum space.
Additional seating, widened pavements and high quality surfaces have also been installed as part of efforts to promote outdoor activity whilst encouraging greater footfall between the town centre and the seafront.With design & maintenance being critical to the project brief. We manufactured new seating, bollards & cycle stands for the town centre square & the seafront. Blueton were proud to be involved in the facelift of this coastal town, on the west coast of Scotland.
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